Readings from Continent Aflame: Lorraine Shannon reads 'Signs, but No Wonder’

Readings from Continent Aflame: Lorraine Shannon reads 'Signs, but No Wonder’

Lorraine Shannon is a keen gardener and nature-writer living in Wentworth Falls, NSW. She has been a long-term environmental activist as a member of the Association for Literature and the Environment, and founding member of Kangaloon creative ecologies. She is also a member of Wild Mountain Collective.

‘Signs, but No Wonder’ reflects on the bushfires that engulfed Australia’s Blue Mountains in 2019-20 through a mediation on the etymology of ‘shambles’ with its image of inhumanely slaughtered animals in the streets of 18th and 19th century London. Shannon makes an appeal for recognition of the realities of the pain and grief of animals, so many of which succumbed, uncounted, to the inferno.

Purchase ‘Continent Aflame’ here.