Readings from Continent Aflame: Raimond Gaita reads 'Creatures of the Earth’

Readings from Continent Aflame: Raimond Gaita reads 'Creatures of the Earth’

Raimond Gaita is Professorial Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne; Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, King’s College London; and Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. His books include Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception (Macmillan), and Romulus, My Father (Text Publishing).

‘Creatures of the Earth’ by Raimond Gaita

Returning from overseas in 2019 to a continent aflame, Gaita reflects on the question of his visceral, bodily relationship to the Earth, to this land, and, in particular, on the question of the possibility for political and ethical fellowship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Purchase ‘Continent Aflame’ here.