Readings from Continent Aflame: Sally Gardner reads 'Is Fire a Feminist Issue?'

Readings from Continent Aflame: Sally Gardner reads 'Is Fire a Feminist Issue?'

Sally Gardner is a former dancer. She was a Senior Lecturer in Art and Performance at Deakin University from 2004 to 2017 where she remains an Honorary Research Fellow. She is co-editor of Writings on Dance journal.

‘Is Fire a Feminist Issue?’ by Sally Gardner

The author draws on the insights of the philosopher, Luce Irigaray. Reflecting on language and imagery generated around the bushfires of 2019-20 she questions its warlike and nature-blaming character. She notes the life-affirming and nurturant properties of fire (as also of air and water) and the danger of denying these, erasing or excluding them from the collective psyche.

Purchase ‘Continent Aflame’ here.